Nettsider med emneord «Energy and Consumption Ongoing»

Publisert 8. juli 2009 15:56

This Ph.D. thesis will focus on local experiences and perceptions of Dubrovnik as a place and as means in defining cultural identity.

Publisert 8. juli 2009 15:48

The project raises the following question: what are the factors that facilitate socio-technical learning and south-south transfer of social and technological innovations that enhance social and economic development and poverty reduction?

Publisert 7. juli 2009 16:12

The project is a cooperation between several European univerisities and research institutes, lead by SIFO (Eivind Stø). Harold Wilhite is a member of the Scienfic Advisory Board.

Publisert 7. juli 2009 16:09

The goal of this project is to establish a network of researchers interested in the development and use of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in the domestic context.

Publisert 7. juli 2009 15:58

(pending final approval of funding from the Baltic network)

The project is a cooperation between the University of Latvia, SUM and other universities in the Baltic network.  

Publisert 7. juli 2009 15:53

The purpose of the project is to foster research and academic cooperation between the two universities and to support the University of Dar es Salaam’s vision of becoming "a reputable world-class university that is responsive to national, regional and global development needs through engagement in dynamic knowledge creation and application".

Publisert 7. juli 2009 15:45

This project is a cooperation between Cicero, SUM and the French research institute EDF-ECLEER, and addresses the following question: How and under what conditions can customer information programs influence consumer behavior and lead to more sustainable energy consumption?

Publisert 25. juni 2009 16:17

Environmental change and sustainable energy (MILEN) is a new interfaculty research area at the University of Oslo.

Miljøendringer og bærekraftig energi (MILEN) er et tverrfakultært satsingsområde ved Universitet i Oslo.