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Annual report 2022

The network of partners and projects

In 2022 Include consisted of 6 research institutions and 23 partners who collaborated on a series of projects.

Open this figure to see the partner's involvements in projects as a network.

Small part of a network figure

Key figures

Research institutions and partners

Circle chart showing that Includes has 6 research institutions and 23 partners

Participants in Include


Circle chart over participants in Include: 57 involved researchers;  88 involved partner representatives in projects; and 12 PhD candidates



Ongoing projects


Bar chart showing initiated projects: WP1: 9; WP2: 13: WP3: 13; WP4: 7; WP5: 5; WP6: 3


Academic publications


Chart diagram over academic publications: 9 book chapters and 17 peer reviewed articles



Bar chart showing events: Management group meetings: 11; Internal meetings and workshops: 4; external events: 16



Circle chart over media contributions: magazine: 16; newspaper: 21; blog: 2; podcast: 2; TV: 1; Radio: 4



Circle chart showing presentations by target audience: partners and stakeholder: 121; academic: 93; international: 67




Bar chart showing education: PhD students recruited: 22; master's thesis completed: 9; summer projects: 4; MA / Continuing education courses organised: 1

Funding for 8 years

Circle chart for Include's funding over 8 years: RCN 95,000,000; Research institutions 55,249,000; Partners 19,389,000

Some highlights from 2022

Two teenagers gaming on computers

Innovation through practice-close research and dissemination

The researchers and partners collaborated closely in a number of projects, some of which were also led by the partners, such as Urban Agriculture (Tromsø municipality), The role of small-scale agriculture in climate and environmental transformation (KS) and The Game of Climate (Lillestrøm municipality). The Young Climate Management project (Asker municipality) has contributed to several innovations to avoid participation in name only and to develop a model that promotes citizenship for children and young people in Asker. In 2022, partners held a whopping 53 presentations related to Include.

air photo of urban area

Sustainable urban development

In 2022, we have published several scientific articles from projects on sustainable urban development and widely disseminated  popular science on the topic. This includes publications on the planning of the Oslo region, as well as dissemination activities at TreFokus on  circular buildings,TØI on land use and transport development, and the Department of  Sociology and Human Geography (ISS, UiO) on mass landfills from construction projects.

Group of adult students following a lecture

Continuing education course for practitioners on mangement for sustainability transformation

In 2022, Include, in collaboration with insam and the Centre for Development  and the Environment (SUM, UiO), developed and implemented the first part of the course Management for Sustainability Transformation. Developed for practitioners on a master’s level, this course aimed to strengthen participants’ competence in meeting the challenges and opportunities inherent in sustainability challenges.

Group of people on a train platform

International cooperation

2022 was the year when Include's research group in Norway finally got the opportunity to visit its British partners! 13 people took the train ride from Oslo to Durham – via Utrecht, where we met a Dutch research group. In Durham we organised Includes' first international conference. Other international researchers have visited Include, and Include researchers have given keynote lectures in various international contexts, as well as contributed to international processes and in British forums in connection with socially just energy transition.