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  • Include symposium gathered British and Norwegian researchers

    Include's British partner, Durham University, hosted the symposium titled "Climate Emergency! Energy Crisis!". The participants presented a broad spectre of the centre's ongoing research.

  • Will bioenergy from the forest become significant for green transition?

    A study carried out by Asbjørn Torvanger at the research center CICERO shows that bioenergy extracted from Norwegian forests has the potential to become an important part of our green transition. But the forest also has other important functions for nature and for society. How do we weigh the interests against each other?

  • New book questions excessive academic flying

    How and why did academic work become entwined with air travel? A new book calls on scholars, students and others to reconsider their habits, arguing that flying is only one means of scholarly communication among many.

  • Good public spaces

    What are the reasons why some areas in Oslo get good public spaces while others do not?


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