Norwegian version of this page


Include's research is organised in five areas and we also put emphasis on exploring their interconnectedness. 

Figure showing Include's thematic overview; with the same themes that are presented on this web page.
Click the image for a larger version.


WP1: Energy Systems in Transition

How can we achieve transitions in the power system and other energy systems that are socially just and inclusive? 

Leader WP1: Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI)

WP2: Energy Flows and Spaces

Here we study cities and surrounding areas in Norway (Tromsø and Oslo). We examine and develop maps to visualise the distribution of energy consumption (direct and embodied energy) on different social groups.

Leader WP2: Per Gunnar Røe, Department of Sociology and Human   Geography, UiO 

WP3: Municipalities as Change Agents

How may municipalities achieve a transition to low-carbon society? Key words: organisation, resource use, citizen participation and a goal to develop attractive and sustainable communities. 

Leader WP3: Hege Westskog, SUM, UiO

WP4: Interventions

We will develop, test and initiate activities that help reduce emissions and achieve socially and enrivonmentally sustainable energy transition. Key words: Participation and co-creation.

Leader WP4: Ole Smørdal, Department of Education, UiO

WP5: Learning Across Borders

How can we learn from experiences and research conducted in Durham, UK, with respect to energy justice and the role of municipalities in energy transition? 

Leader WP5: Simone Abram, Durham University, UK