RESULTS – Research for Energy and Sustainability Transformations

What’s missing in current approaches to transformations to sustainability? Why is knowledge not leading to action and results?

Tegning av blader som kommer ut av hånd. Bakgrunn: grønn skog

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RESULTS is a thematic research group funded by UiO: Energy and Environment. It is part of Include.

The research group addresses the question of how to generate transformative changes that are equitable and sustainable. RESULTS aims to contribute to developing greater convergence and coherence regarding research on transformations to sustainability. We focus on identifying key insights that are critical to transformations, and study how diverse understandings can be aligned across disciplines in order to spark new knowledge necessary for inclusive and sustainable transformations. The overall objective is to move beyond research-as-usual and contribute to closing the gap between knowledge and action for sustainability.

Specifically, RESULTS focus on theories of change. There are multiple and often contradictory theories of change underlying research on energy and sustainability transformations. Focusing on disciplines and interdisciplinary research environments across the University of Oslo, the aim of RESULTS is to understand how different theories can speak together to contribute to change, by identifying and analysing different forms of disciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives.

RESULTS is led by Arve Hansen at the Centre for Development and the Environment and Karen O'Brien at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, both at the University of Oslo.

Published June 2, 2023 10:49 AM - Last modified Dec. 18, 2023 11:51 AM



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