Webpages tagged with «Africa»

Kenya, city, urban
Published Sep. 23, 2022 9:58 AM

Over the 75 years that has passed since India’s independence in 1947, the Indian pharmaceutical industry has gradually developed research and manufacturing hubs that offer a steady supply of affordable drugs to large parts of the world.

Read the latest op-ed on India-Africa cooperation by Prof. Ranga Reddy Burri, Prof. Dan Banik and PhD candidate Lise Bjerke. 

Russia-Africa summit
Published Nov. 6, 2019 9:58 AM

The first Russia-Africa Summit held recently in Sochi has generated renewed interest in better understanding the links between aid, investments and sustainable development as major world powers compete for influence in Africa.

Crowd of people
Published Oct. 15, 2018 9:53 AM

I was teaching in Malawi a few weeks ago when I accepted an invitation to participate in a debate on the environmental footprint of population growth hosted by The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Although I had not explicitly worked on population policy, I was intrigued by the prospect of better understanding why population is often a neglected area in the mainstream climate change discourse. And the thought of engaging with an Earth Systems scientist and a philosopher was much too good to pass. I was also intrigued by the fact that population control is not explicitly mentioned in the SDGs.