Videos, recordings and transcripts

2023: Arne Næss Symposium: Capitalism, ecological breakdown, and class struggle in the 21st century

Part 1

Part 2

Can degrowth save the planet?

The above is the recording of an event organised by UiO's student-run Green Office and SUM, featuring the 2023 Arne Næss Professor, Jason Hickel, together with master's student Holly Benna and Professor Benedicte Bull.

2021: Arne Næss Symposium : Rethinking Democracy: Steps to Political Equality and Social and Environmental Justice

2020: Cooperative economy and culture in a competitive world: The case of Mondragon - Part 1

How can a prosocial cooperative society stay successful in a world of profit seeking, shareholder-driven corporations? Seminar February 3 at BI Norwegian Business School.

Cooperative economy and culture in a competitive world: The case of Mondragon - Part 2


2019: Arne Næss Symposium: Have We Lost the Battle for Social and Environmental Rights?

Young researchers' challenge at the 2019 Arne Næss symposium

Inspired by the theme of the 2019 symposium, the Arne Naess stipend recipients developed a polemic discussion on the compatibility of social and environmental rights.

They debated in two teams, Erica Colman-Denstad and Kylie Wrigley for the motion. Guisela Camacho-Mejia and Cristiana Voinov against it. The debate was moderated by Nina Witoszek, coordinator of the Arne Næss Programme on Global Justice and the Environment.

Read the full debate here

2018: Arne Næss Symposium: Homo Futurus with a Thousand Faces

How do we imagine the future human species?

With the 2018 Arne Næss Chair: Mary Evelyn Tucker

Are We What We Communicate? Reinventing Humanity

Podcast of Day 2 of the 2018 Symposium.

2016: Arne Næss Symposium:

With the Arne Næss Chair Eduardo Gudynas

On TV: Part 1 - Kunnskapskanalen NRK2-nett

Part 2 - Kunnskapskanalen NRK2-nett

2015: Arne Næss Symposium:

With the Arne Næss Chair David Sloan Wilson

On TV: Kunnskapskanalen NRK2-nett

Boxing Arne Næss - The Movie

2014: Arne Næss Symposium: Taking Responsibility for Tomorrow's World

Featuring His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and the Arne Næss Chair Dr. David Abram.

On TV: Kunnskapskanalen NRK2-nett

2013: Arne Næss Symposium: The World Without Ecocide: a Utopia of our Time?

With the 2013 Arne Næss Chair Polly Higgins

2012: Arne Næss Symposium: Thinking Dutifully, Acting Beautifully

With the 2012 Arne Næss Chair Lawrence Buell

2011: Arne Næss Symposium: The Age of Stupid or the Age of Wisdom?

With the 2010/2011 Arne Næss Chair Robyn Eckersley

Published Apr. 11, 2019 4:24 PM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2023 1:54 PM