NorLARNet – Norwegian Latin America Research Network (2008-2020)

The Norwegian Latin America Research Network (NorLARNet) was a network of scholars based in Norway who conduct research in and on Latin America. It was operative from 2008 to July 2020, with a small secretariat based at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo.

NorLARNet was established in 2008 as an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to strengthen the knowledge about Latin America in Norway and to form a better integrated environment for Norwegian Latin America research. It was funded under the MFA-financed Latin America program of the Research Council of Norway (RCN). Hosted by the SUM and guided by an advisory board, it organized and supported a large number of conferences, workshops, courses and public events across the county, disseminating knowledge to a broad public. The secretariat operated a website and distributed a weekly newsletter.

Conferences (co-)organized by NorLARNet

November 2009,
University of Oslo

NorLARNet conference:
Contributing to a better future? The role of Norway based Latin America research

October 2011,
University of Bergen
NorLARNet conference:
Collaborators or Contenders? Norwegian Research, Business and Politics in Latin America
November 2013,
University of Oslo,
Oslo and Akershus University College
NOLAN conference:
Latin America: challenging frontiers
September 2016,
Grand Hotel Terminus – Bergen
NorLARNet conference:
Latin America Research for a Troubled World
October 2018,
NOLAN conference:
Epochal shifts in current Latin America?
Published June 24, 2020 2:35 PM - Last modified June 24, 2020 3:22 PM