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Events - Page 3

Time and place: , Online: Zoom

For Muslims the ummah is arguably more powerful than Western liberalism because it taps into Muslims' universalist identity as both individual and part of a collective, a broader community beyond nations and time.

Time and place: , HumSam Scene, HumSam Library, ground floor, Georg Sverdrups hus

In this ASIANET: fokus seminar, Simon Springer examines the plight of homeless peoples in Phnom Penh, Cambodia as a consequence of their enmeshment in a new logic of urban governance being effected by city officials and municipal planners.

Time and place: , Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM)

Our Annual Lecture for 2020 features Professor in Human Geography Jonathan Rigg. He will speak about his research on agrarian conditions and transformations in Asia.

Time and place: , Seminar room Glød, Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM)

Questions of agrarian transformation have been a staple of the social sciences since its early days, and they remain crucial in the twenty-first century.

Time and place: , Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM)

Tourism is increasingly seen as a central pathway to inclusive development across the global south, yet the promotion of tourism as development is highly intangible - relying on the orchestration and extension of markets into often remote places. What does this notion of tourism as development look like from such ‘destinations’?

Time and place: , Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM)

The 2030 Agenda on sustainable development appears to be at a crossroads. An issue that warrants special attention is political enthusiasm and leadership for sustainable development.

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset, sal Nedjma

The main battleground of the comfort women issue

Time and place: , seminarrom Glød, Senter for utvikling og miljø (SUM)

This ASIANET: fokus talk examines recent political trends in Asian politics, focusing particularly on the intertwined rise of populism, electoralism and authoritarianism.

Time and place: , Nedre Youngs, Youngstorget 3, Oslo

Earlier this year the Japanese emperor abdicated due to deteriorating health; in October the second great acquisition ceremony, sokui no rei, in which the emperor’s eldest son takes over the throne will take place. What does this imperial shift mean for Japan?

Time and place: , Bruket (Storsalen), Schweigaards gate 34C

I dag, 22 år etter at Kina fikk tilbake suvereniteten over den gamle engelske kronkolonien Hongkong, har forholdet mellom Hongkongs befolkning og Beijing utviklet seg til en akutt politisk krise.

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes hus, Blindern, University of Oslo

The 21st Century is Asia’s Century. At the ASIANET 2019 conference, we analyse the rise of Asia along three axes: the economy and global power balance; the environment and resource politics; and social, political and ideological change.

Time and place: , SUM's seminar room, Sognsveien 68 (4th floor), Oslo.

In this seminar, Sandya K. Hewamanne analyses how former factory workers navigate global capitalism. The seminar is the first in our new SDG Asia seminar series that addresses the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the Asian context.

Time and place: , PA Munchs Hus, Meeting Room 252, Blindern

Do Indian cities offer women greater control over public spaces?