ASIANET: fokus -Totos of Totopara - Book launch and exhibition

Image may contain: mountains, forest, snow

Photo: Sanchita Toto

'Totos Of Totopara- An Indigenous Tribe In A Globalised World' is a self published photo-video book on the indigenous Toto tribe of India. Spread across 185 pages and 3 different sections, this book gives an extensive visual insight into the life, culture, and traditions of the indigenous Totos. It also traces the changes in the Toto tribe due to globalisation, modernisation and acculturation. This book also has videos of the tribe's traditions embedded in QR Codes.

Totos are one of the smallest indigenous tribes in the world. They only reside in Totopara, a village sitting at the foothills of Himalayas along the border of West Bengal in India and Bhutan. They were once on the brink of extinction and now, their population is estimated at 1,629 (as per the village’s census in 2021). 

An indigenous tribe that’s now embracing different facets of globalisation, some gracefully, some due to the force of the inevitable. A tribe that is trying their best to maintain a balance between the traditional culture and the allure of assimilation with city life. Totos - a little known indigenous community is on the brink of a takeover by modernisation.

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Image may contain: Glasses, Hairstyle, Eye, Vision care, Beard.


Abhijit a.k.a. Eternal Happiness™ is a documentary and humanitarian photographer who documents the projects of different NGOs and humanitarian organisations on the field and creates human interest visual stories on various subjects.


Tags: exhibition, India
Published Mar. 18, 2022 9:35 AM - Last modified Mar. 24, 2022 10:26 AM