Book seminar: What went wrong, and is new social democracy possible in the south?

book cover

Picture: Bloomsbury

In his new book «In Search of New Social Democracy», Törnquist returns to findings from fifty years of research on democracy and social rights movements in Indonesia, India, and the Philippines, to address a major puzzle of our time: why has the vision of development based on social justice by democratic means lost ground? And, are there ways to a future recovery of this vision?

In this book seminar we have gathered an outstanding panel of experts to both launch and critically discuss this exciting new book. In addition to interrogating what happened to the social democratic oriented movements that have gradually lost ground in the global South, we also discuss Törnquist’s vision for the making of new, broad alliances in the global south, supported by the global north, to propell transformative rights and welfare reforms.

Olle Törnquist will present the major arguments in his book. This is followed by comments and discussion by the invited panelists:

Due to covid restrictions participation for this event is only possible online!



John Harriss (Senior professor Simon Fraser and Centre for Modern Indian Studies, Göttingen) - The point of view of Indian experiments in comparative perspective.




Kristian Stokke (Professor, Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo) - Experiences in Sri Lanka and Burma.




Anna Sundström (Secretary General, Olof Palme International Center, Stockholm) - Wider insights from the South and the solidarity work



Kenneth Bo Nielsen (Professor, Anthropology, University of Oslo) Briefing on the major results and general discussion



Tags: book talk, India, indonesia, Democracy
Published Nov. 19, 2021 7:46 AM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2021 12:52 PM