Book talk: Women Migrants in Southern China and Taiwan. Mobilities, Digital Economies and Emotions

book cover

Picture: Routledge

In this book seminar, Beatrice Zani presents her new book “Women Migrants in Southern China and in Taiwan. Mobilities, Digital Economies and Emotions”. The book explores the lives, the migratory experiences, and the social, economic, and emotional practices of Chinese migrant women during their migrations and mobilities in and between China and Taiwan. 

Based on multi-sited ethnographic research in China and Taiwan, Zani illustrates and emphasises what it feels like for women migrants as they negotiate their way between subalternity and resistance, at the crossroad between subordinated labour and independent, digital entrepreneurship, and between an inegalitarian labour market and new, online opportunities for business and commerce.

Beatrice Zani will present the main arguments/findings in the book. The presentation will be followed by comments and Q&A.


Beatrice Zani is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of East-Asian Studies, McGill University, Montreal (Canada). She is also research associate at TRIANGLE, Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon (France) and at the European Research Centre on Contemporary Taiwan (University of Tübingen).


Anne Waldrop is professor at Oslo Metropolitan University.

Kristin Dalen is working as a researcher at the Global Studies Group at Fafo.



Tags: book talk, Taiwan, China, migration
Published Nov. 19, 2021 7:51 AM - Last modified Dec. 10, 2021 9:17 AM