The Secretariat

The Secretariat of the Commission was coordinating all activities related to the work of the Commission. It was based at the Institute of Health and Society at The University of Oslo. The outreach activities of The Commission is now managed by the secretariat of The Independent Panel on Global Governance of Health at the Centre for Development and The Environment (SUM).


Inger B. Scheel, PhD, has a degree in public health and considerable experience as a research director for global health units in both public and private sector. She is the elected chair of The Norwegian Forum for Global Health Research and the President of the European Federation of Societies for Tropical Medicine and International Health.

Dr Scheel will support the Commission in facilitating its work. She will coordinate the communication with the Commission members, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), the public and the press. She is responsible for the overall progress of the project work and coordinates and contributes to the writing of the Commission report.

Project Coordinator

Ann Louise Lie has a master in Public Policy with specialisation in Global Health from Maastricht University. Her bachelor in International Relations is from Warwick University in the UK and Sciences Po in Paris. She has previously worked as an intern at the UNDP in Brazzaville and for the Norwegian Embassy in Paris.

Ann Louise is coordinating all activities, resources and information related to the work of the Commission in addition to contributing with research. If you have any inquiries about the work of the Commission, please contact Ann Louise at


Published Nov. 1, 2011 9:13 AM - Last modified July 1, 2021 10:05 AM