Session 1: Round table on key themes of the conference

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Chair: Sakiko Fukuda-Parr

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr is director of the Independent Panel on Global Governance for Health hosted by the Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo. She is Professor of International Affairs at The New School in New York, and the Vice Chair of the UN Committee on Development Policy. From 1995 to 2004, she was lead author of the UNDP Human Development Reports. Prior to this, she worked at the World Bank and UNDP on agriculture, aid coordination in Africa and capacity development.


Kelley Lee, "Health or HAL: Who controls the power button for new health technologies?"

Technological innovation in the early twentieth century offers unprecedented opportunities for improving human health and wellness worldwide. However, the extent to which these potential benefits will be realised, given a world of stark social inequities within and across countries, is far from certain.

The brief remarks to be presented in this Roundtable will consider ideas for advancing the core themes of this conference. Of particular importance is how the conference might advance fuller understanding of the ways power, in its varied forms, underpins “what technology, for whom and by whom”.

Alongside the material power of large global corporations, which concentrates control of new technologies in relatively few privileged hands, power shapes prevailing ideas about what technologies are considered most necessary and for what purpose. Power asymmetries, in this way, becomes embedded within the technologies themselves, potentially taking on their own logic, rather than serving the collective needs of human health.

Kelley Lee is a Professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Global Health Governance in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University. She was previously Professor of Global Health Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Trained in international political economy and public administration, her research focuses on strengthening collective action to govern globalisation’s impacts on public health. Along with over 200 papers and chapters, she has published 15 books. Her first book was Global Telecommunications Regulation: A political economy perspective (1995) and her latest is the Oxford Handbook of Global Health Politics (2020).


Manjari Mahajan, "Politics of knowledge production in the digital age"

Associate Professor, The New School

Mickey Chopra, "Politics of knowledge production in the digital age"

Global Solutions Lead for Service Delivery in Health, Population and Nutrition, The World Bank


Discussant: Antoine de Bengy Puyvallée

Antoine is a PhD candidate in International Politics at the Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo. His research focuses on global health governance and more specifically, global and public-private cooperation to manage dangerous disease outbreaks such as Ebola (global health security).

Antoine is also the coordinator of the Independent Panel on Global Governance for Health and part of conference program committee.

Published Sep. 5, 2019 1:35 PM - Last modified July 3, 2021 1:56 AM