Call for submissions and inputs to The Lancet-UiO Commission

The Lancet-UiO Commission is inviting institutions and private person with an interest in the work of the Commission to contribute with their inputs.

The contributions should respond to the mandate of the Commission as stated in The Lancet [1]

The commission’s formal mandate is to:

“…analyse the inter-relations between health and other governance sectors, to assess how policies and actions in these areas affect global health objectives—and hence identify how targeted actions outside institutions of health governance may contribute to global health. The Commission will propose recommendations on how public health can be more effectively protected and promoted in selected key policy-making domains. Moreover, the Commission will seek to build on, and relate to, ongoing work on achieving health in all policies as well as the social determinants of health.”

The Commission is as such encouraged to bring out the diversity of perspectives, identify paradoxes and question core assumptions, in order to identify new approaches and solutions, and:

“to promote innovative thinking that would move beyond conventional wisdom.”

All submissions will be posted on this website. The Secretariat will follow the submissions in detail and forward to the Commissioners as appropriate. The Commission reserves the right to use any submitted contributions within their work with due credit to the authors.

Please send your inputs/submissions to the Secretariat at, including your name, date of birth and affiliated institution.

[1] Ottersen OP. Frenk J. Horton R. The Lancet – University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for Health, in collaboration with the Harvard Global Health Institute. Lancet, 2011, 378, 1612–13.

Published Jan. 23, 2012 9:34 AM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2012 9:38 AM