Global Governance for Health and the Post-2015 Agenda

The work of The Lancet – University of Oslo Commission was presented at the 20th Canadian Conference on Global Health in Ottawa the 29th of October.

From the left: Chantal Blouin, Alexandre Lefebvre, Waruguru Wanjau and Ronald Labonte

The conference was hosted by the Canadian Society for International Health and included a panel discussion on “A Global Governance for Health Approach to Address the Health Agenda in the Post-2015 Agenda”.

The panel was chaired by Youth Commission member Waruguru Wanjau and consisted of:

  • Professor Chantal Blouin, member of The Commission and researcher at the National Institute of Public Health, Quebec
  • Professor Ronald Labonté, Research Chair in Globalization & Health Equity, Institute of Population Health and professor at the University of Ottawa
  • Alexandre Lefebvre, member of the Youth Commission

The panel discussed health in the post MDG agenda through a global governance for Health lens. Blouin presented an overview of the Commission report which is to be published in The Lancet in the coming months. There was a lot of interest in the report and its proposals among the audience, representing mostly university academics from global health departments.

After the conference, Alexandre Lefebvre stated: “People are eager to read the report and push the discussion further, which is quite encouraging”.


For more information about the Commission and its report, please contact the Secretariat at:



Published Nov. 6, 2013 10:00 AM - Last modified July 1, 2021 9:21 AM