Final Meeting in Oslo

Since the intensive work meeting in Bellagio in February, the Commission report has progressed by leaps and bounds in time for the final meeting of the full Commission.

Tøyen Hovedgård (UiO)

The University of Oslo is again honored to host this dynamic group of experts from around the globe from April 12-13, 2013.  Springtime makes the Oslo Botanical Gardens a perfect place to nurture the creative energy and fresh drive to help us draw together this challenging and rewarding work for producing passionate, provocative, yet pragmatic final recommendations.

The writing of the report has been a true collaborative process, with several Commissioners actively contributing with their input along the way.The Commission has also been impressed by the quality and volume of research which has been contributed in the past couple months by external academics, researchers and civil society for use as background materials to support the numerous empirical cases embedded within our report. Recently the Resource Group also hosted Ron Labonte, Canada's research Chair on Globalization and Health Equity at the University of Ottawa, for a workshop session that provided numerous insights.

The Commission gathered in Tanzania for its second meeting

Recognizing that the publication of this report in The Lancet will coincide with the culmination of several high level panels and multilateral reports, the Commission and Resource Group have been carefully considering how best to contribute to the momentum coalescing behind the tipping points of new norms such as Social Sustainability, which foster global governance for health.  As we approach the final stretch, the Commission is energized for the task, as it is clear that this report is both timely and urgent as the Post-2015 era approaches.

Published Apr. 8, 2013 3:37 PM - Last modified July 1, 2021 9:21 AM