Launch meeting of the Commission : a step in the right direction!

The first meeting of The Lancet – UiO Commission on Global Governance for Health took place in Oslo 12th – 13th of December. No less than 11 commissioners made it all the way from across the world to attend the meeting which was chaired by Rector Ottersen in Domus Academica at the University of Oslo.

Members of the Commission attending the first meeting in Oslo.

Photo: Anbjørg Kolaas

This very first meeting of the Commission marked the beginning of a two year long collaboration between 16 distinguished researchers, policy and decision makers and civil society activists who will put their heads together and look for ways to promote and accelerate action on health through existing and new governance structures.

The meeting allowed for initial chaos and open debates. Uncertainty and some frustration was quickly turned into enthusiasm and eagerness about the task ahead. The most brilliant and insightful discussions were perhaps put forward during the group work which allowed for creativity and more informal discussions.

Despite large divergence within the group in terms of backgrounds and disciplines, the Commissioners clearly moved towards a common understanding of both the challenges and the opportunities of the work ahead. And as stated by Amb. Gertrude Mongella from Tanzania: there is at least a clear consensus within the Commission about the need for global governance to take action on health! How this best should be done is up to the Commission to investigate.

The Commissioners who took part in this first meeting was:

  • Dr. Chantal Blouin from Canada
  • Ms. Jashodhara Dagupta from India
  • Dr. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr from Japan
  • Adv. Bience Gawanas from Namibia
  • Sir Michael Marmot from the UK
  • Dr. Desmond McNeill from Norway
  • Amb. Gertrude Mongella from Tanzania
  • Dr. Nkosana Moyo from Zimbabwe
  • Dr. Sigrun Møgedal from Norway
  • Dr. Gorik Ooms from Belgium

We certainly hope to see all 16 commissioners gathered in the next Commission meeting which is planned for June 2012!

By Ann Louise Lie
Published Dec. 19, 2011 3:07 PM - Last modified July 1, 2021 9:21 AM