Global Health - Do Think Tanks Matter?

This was the title of the closing session of a two days "Meeting of Global Health Policy Think Tanks and Academic Institutions" which took place in Geneva 12 - 13 November 2015. Prof. Desmond McNeill discussed the work of the Panel at a parallell session on Trade and Health at the WTO during the meeting.


From the right: Sakiko Fukuda Parr, Margareth Chan, Francis Omaswa and Pascal Strupler.

Photo: the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

The meeting of Global Health Policy Think Tanks and Academic Institutions was organized by Ilona Kickbusch, Director of the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva and member of the Advisory Board of The Independent Panel on Global Governance for Health.

During the two days meeting, more than 50 think tanks and academic institutions discussed their role in contributing to global health and greater health equity by supporting the implementation of the recently-adopted SDGs and by addressing issues of transparency and accountability.

At a parallell session on Trade and Health at the WTO on November 13th, Professor Desmond McNeill presented the ongoing work of the Independent Panel on Global Governance for Health and the findings of the report of the Lancet - University of Oslo Commission.  

Together with WHO's Secretary General, Dr. Margareth Chan, Professor Sakiko Fukuda Parr, member of the Panel and previously member of the Commission, gave a plenary talk on the Sustainable Development Goals as a game changer in Global Health. Dr. Paulo Buss, member of the Panel's Advisory Board and also previous Commission member, spoke about global health governance during the meeting.  










Published Jan. 11, 2016 11:10 AM - Last modified July 1, 2021 9:08 AM