
Time and place: , Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), 4.floor, Sognsveien 68, Oslo

In this lunch seminar, Morten Jerven, Professor of Development Studies (NMBU) will discuss the increasing role of indicators and statistics in Development and Global Health policies. The seminar is part of the series Global Health Unpacked.

Time and place: , Klubben, Georg Sverdsrups hus, Blindern Campus

This third seminar of the series Global Health Unpacked will explore the growing relations between health and the military. Should the military intervene in health crises? Can health be used to win "the hearts and minds" during a conflict? How to protect the health sector in civil conflicts?

Time and place: , Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), 2.floor, Sognsveien 68, Oslo

First guest of the seminar series "Global Health Unpacked", Adam Fejerskov will discuss the Gates Foundation's promotion of technology-based development policies and question the power, legitimacy and accountability of this major player.