
Time and place: , Online

What are the most important transnational political determinants of health inequity as we enter the final decade of the SDG era, and how can we best address them?

Time and place: , Zoom

How would a victory for Biden or Trump affect the relationship between Latin America and the US?

Time and place: , Zoom Webinar

As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, billions of public monies are poured into high tech solutions. This panel will highlight the role of local public health systems, particularly the challenges in Africa and Latin America, and the US.

Time and place: , Zoom Webinar

In this webinar, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik maps out global trends in 'Covid-19 law', including criminal law, welfare legislation and the human rights framework, with a view to draw out key lessons for global health.


Will digital innovations introduced during the crisis lead to more digital surveillance post-pandemic? Does their use advance the interests of private tech companies at the expense of the public interest?

Time and place: , Webinar

What are drivers, transitions and pathways out of Venezuela’s crisis?


When a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine is developed, will it be a “peoples vaccine” produced in time and scale, affordably priced, and available for all countries and all people?

Time and place: , Laboratoriet, Kulturhuset

Just about the only thing we can all agree on these days is that we are, around the world, swimming in untruth. But how did we get to this point? And is the problem really new?