ONLINE: Venezuela’s crisis from global perspectives

What are drivers, transitions and pathways out of Venezuela’s crisis?


Photo by Hugo Passarello Luna.

The webinar can be viewed here:

This webinar launches a special issue of the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ERLACS) on the crisis in Venezuela. Through nine articles on the deterioration of democracy, the economy and citizen’s security, and internationally sponsored processes to address it, it applies comparative methods and academic perspectives to open new debates on the drivers, transitions and pathways out of Venezuela’s crisis.

The special collection and the webinar is hosted by the Oslo Academy of Global Governance at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM, University of Oslo), and co-sponsored by the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA).

Time zone

Eastern Standard Time: 9.00 - 12.30

Central European Time: 15.00 - 18.30


Part 1: Democratic deterioration and the prospects for a negotiated solution

Time: 9.00-10.30 EST / 15.00-16.30 CET

1. Introduction: Antulio Rosales & Benedicte Bull

2. Francisco Alfaro: Political archipelagos in a storm: Coalitions, actors and autocratization.

3. Leiv Marsteintredet: With the cards stacked against you: challenges to a negotiated transition to democracy in Venezuela

4. Javier Corrales: Democratic backsliding through electoral irregularities: The case of Venezuela

5. David Smilde and Geoff Ramsey: International peacemaking in Venezuela’s intractable conflict

Part 2: Economic and security crisis in a changing world order

Time: 11.00-12.30 EST / 17.00-18.30 CET

1. Natalia Gan: Rule of law crisis, militarization of citizen security, and effects on human rights in Venezuela

2. Tom Legler: A story within a story: Venezuela’s crisis, regional actors, and Western hemispheric order upheaval

3. Alejandro Cardozo Uzcátegui and Víctor Mijares:  The versatile amalgam: Interests and corruption in Russia-Venezuelan relation

4. Benedicte Bull & Antulio Rosales: Into the shadows: sanctions, rentierism, and economic informalization in Venezuela

Image may contain: Text, Poster, Font.Special Issue on the crisis in Venezuela

In European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ERLACS), 2020.

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    Published May 29, 2020 1:45 PM - Last modified Oct. 30, 2020 2:51 PM