Webinar: BRI and SDG: Chinese lenders’ credit policy and practice

International Webinar on Chinese Multilateralism and its Impact on Environmental and Democratic Governance in Africa and Latin America

Image may contain: Sky, Skyscraper, Cloud, Building, Daytime.

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  1. Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo, Norway
  2. Oslo SDG Initiative 
  3. Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics, China
  4. Strategy Center for China’s Open Economy and International Technology Cooperation, University of International Business & Economics, China


9:00-9:05    Welcome and introduction

Prof. Dr. Benedicte Bull, Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo, Norway

9:05-9:20    Keynote

Mr. Hongwei Wang, Export-Import Bank of China

9:20-9:35    Comment

Prof. Dr. Dan Banik, Centre for Development and Environment, University of Oslo, Norway

Prof. Dr. Baocheng Liu, Center for International Business Ethics, University of International Business & Economics, China

Prof. Dr. Youfu Xia, Strategy Center for China’s Open Economy and International Technology Cooperation, University of International Business & Economics, China

9:35-10:00   Discussion

Published Sep. 20, 2021 3:36 PM - Last modified Sep. 21, 2021 2:03 PM