Pandemic Law-making: Challenges and next steps

How to strengthen global cooperation to prevent future pandemics? In this seminar, Adam Kamradt-Scott will discuss different proposals currently being negotiated, such as a new pandemic treaty or revising existing international instruments.

Image may contain: Covid virus

Illustration picture, photo credit: Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo.

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In late November, the World Health Organization will host a special session of the World Health Assembly to discuss a proposal for the creation of a new pandemic preparedness and response treaty. Various suggestions have been put forward as to what should be included in such an instrument, and whether a treaty is the best approach. This presentation will examine the proposals, issues, benefits and drawbacks of a pandemic treaty and alternatives, and consider what this means not only for the COVID-19 pandemic but also future pandemic preparedness.

Image may contain: Glasses, Forehead, Glasses, Chin, Smile.
Adam Kamradt-Scott Professor at the European University Institute

About Adam Kamradt-Scott 

Professor Adam Kamradt-Scott is a leading scholar in the field of global cooperation for epidemic preparedness and response. He has published three books and over 36 journal articles and book chapters exploring various aspects of the field. Adam’s most recent research examines civil-military cooperation in health and humanitarian crises, and the adoption of international legal instruments for health.

Prior to entering academia, Professor Kamradt-Scott’s background includes having worked as a health professional specialising in emergency care and clinical risk management, a political adviser and a public servant in pandemic preparedness. More recently, Professor Kamradt-Scott has served as a consultant to the Australian Government and the World Bank on pandemic preparedness and the response to COVID-19.

He is the co-founder and convenor of the Global Health Security conferences and currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Global Health Security Network.

About this seminar

Global Health Unpacked” is a seminar series that aims to bring together the global health community on a regular basis to critically discuss key debates in Global Health in informal and interactive seminars. Guest speakers (both from the University of Oslo and from other universities) will bring an original perspective to the topic and engage in a conversation with the audience.

With this forum, we also hope to facilitate exchanges and collaborations between global health researchers and students present in Oslo and foster interdisciplinary research. “Global Health Unpacked” is jointly organized by the research group Global Health Politics, Centre for Development and the EnvironmentUiO Centre for Global Health.

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Published Oct. 25, 2021 11:18 AM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2021 11:39 AM