Challenges of the Digital Revolution

Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) provide solutions to multiple challenges of our time? And what is the future of work in the AI era?

Illustration hand on ipad with artificial intelligence

Photo: Colorbox.

Welcome to this seminar with Cambridge-trained sociologist Anthony Elliot, the author of The Culture of AI: Everyday Life and the Digital Revolution (2019). In this book, Elliott argues that the AI revolution is not so much about cyborgs and super-robots in the future, but rather massive changes in the here-and-now of everyday life.

In this seminar, Elliot will give two keynote lectures that will be commented by Christian Fiesler and Atle Midttun.

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13:00 - Welcome and introduction by Nina Witoszek

Image may contain: Person, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Chin.

Keynote lecture by Anthony Elliot

Outcomes, Opportunities and Obstructions of the Digital Revolution

Comment by Christian Fiesler

Moral Talk and the Digital Transformation’s Quest for Legitimacy



14:30 - Keynote II by Anthony Elliot

Automated Futures: Work and Employment After Amazon

Comment by Atle Midttun

AI and the Nordic/Norwegian Work Life Model


About the speakers

Anthony Elliott is Professor and Executive Director of Hawke EU Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Network at the University of South Australia, and visiting professor at Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II. His latest publications include The Culture of AI: Everyday Life and the Digital Revolution.

Nina Witoszek is Senior Research Fellow and director of the Arne Næss Programme on Global Justice and the Environment, Center for Development and the Environment, Oslo University.

Christian Fiesler is Professor at The Department of Communication and Culture, and founding director of the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society.

Atle Midttun is Professor at The Department of Law and Governance at BI Norwegian Business School, and former director of its Centre for Corporate Responsibility

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Published Sep. 1, 2022 3:37 PM - Last modified Sep. 2, 2022 10:50 AM