Rethink – Rework – Restart: Can students fix it?

How can we tackle the growing mountain of electronic waste? Bring your broken electronics and join our Restart Party!

Photo: Restarters Norway

At this event, volunteer fixers from Restarters Norway will teach you how to repair your broken electronics and how to rethink the ways we consume them in the first place. You will also meet students that are contributing to the sustainable development agenda by reworking practices and rethinking theories.

Meet Kaja Ahnfelt, a former master’s student at SUM - Centre for Development and the Environment, UiO, who started a social enterprise called Restarters Oslo based on her thesis on The Restart Project in the UK. In 2017, Kaja won Oslo municipality’s Environmental Price for her social enterprise.

Get your copy of the brand new issue of Tvergastein, a student led interdisciplinary journal on environmental issues. We will also present some of the rethinking and reworking done by students at the University of Oslo during their studies and master's projects.

SDG Conference Bergen

This event is part of Day Zero: 2019 SDG Conference Bergen.

The conference aims to draw together views on how knowledge, science, education and institutions need innovative and radical re:thinking in order to provide foundations for the global collaborative re:working needed to engage and work with the 2030 Agenda.

Prof. Sidsel Roalkvam, Centre Director at SUM, is part of the national committee from the university sector in Norway that oversees the conference.

Published Jan. 29, 2019 6:44 PM - Last modified Oct. 30, 2020 2:53 PM