Free online course on what works in development

With the world experiencing an unprecedented crisis we thought it would be an opportune moment to reflect on what is actually working in international development.

online course

Photo: Pexels

We have revised and updated the course What works? Promising Practices in International Development, which is now freely available online to a global audience.

What Works offers a range of perspectives and examples of development projects and programs that are making a difference in the lives of people living in poverty.

Professor Dan Banik is delighted to have had the opportunity to revise this course, which he first offered in 2015 as Norway's first international Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).

In these challenging times — and while I have been in home quarnatine after a returning from a trip to Malawi — it has been a great pleasure to record new video lectures from my home and make these, together with other lectures, available to new groups of people all over the world, says Banik.

The online lectures in this revised MOOC – previously blended with a regular teaching module at the University of Oslo in 2015, 2017 and 2018 – can be followed directly from the Oslo SDG Initiative's website. The videos are also available on a new YouTube channel. Participants can interact with each other and faculty members on social media, including Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO.

A truly international course

Since it was first offered in 2015, What Works has attracted over 12 000 participants from 150 countries. In this time of global crisis, Prof. Banik believes it is particularly important to revisit many of the global success stories related to poverty reduction, global health, global governance and economic growth.

The course features world-class faculty from institutions in Europe, North America, Africa and Asia.

Participate in our free online course. No registration or enrollment needed!


What works? Promising Practices in International Development

Course preview

Watch Prof. Banik's promotional video for the course:

Published Mar. 30, 2020 11:05 AM - Last modified Mar. 30, 2020 11:12 AM