Welcome to the new Arne Naess students

We are happy to announce that three master's students have been granted the Arne Naess stipend for 2020.

Image may contain: People, Social group, Tree, Fun, Facial hair.

Alexandru Prodan, Martina Mercellová and Shayan Shokrgozar are the new Arne Naess students.

The three students will work on philosophical, social and legal dimensions of environmental challenges of our time.

Nina Witoszek heads the Arne Naess Programme.
Nina Witoszek heads the Arne Naess Programme.

They will also contribute to the Arne Næss Symposium, which will take place in the fall of 2020.

The Arne Næss stipends are part of the Arne Næss Programme on Global Justice and the Environment and are designed to animate the humanist research on development and the environment at SUM.

The Head of the Arne Næss program is Nina Witoszek.

The Arne Næss grant is not a passport to a philosophical paradise. In 2020, it involves double intellectual challenge: to co-create the first ecological radio at the University of Oslo, and to jointly work on a project taking up some of the themes figuring in the lecture of the 2020 Arne Næss Professor, sir Anthony Giddens, she says.

Three projects on environmental issues

Alexandru Prodan is master student in modern history at the Department of Archeology, Conservation and History, Faculty of Humanities, UiO.

Image may contain: Glasses, Hair, Face, Chin, Forehead.My main interest is in the emergence and evolution of European green parties. In my thesis I am looking at the case of Romanian green parties since 1990. More specifically, I am focusing on the contacts between Western European and Romanian greens and on the imports of the Western party organization models and their adaptation to the local political environment, says Alexandru.

Martina Mercellová is enrolled in the master's programme at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (ILOS), Faculty of Humanities, UiO.

Image may contain: Glasses, Hair, Eyewear, Face, Glasses.In my theory-oriented research, I inspect the intersection of the genres "autobiography and ecocriticism", asking whether it is possible to narrate our identity in the Anthropocene. I argue for a "narrative self" which stands outside of the binary of linguistic constructivism and essentialism, drawing inspiration from deep ecology and the concept of ecological self, says Martina.

Shayan Shokrgozar studies his master's in Development, Environment and Cultural Change at SUM, UiO.

Image may contain: Glasses, Hair, Eyewear, Moustache, Glasses.For my thesis, I’ll be working on issues pertaining to Energy Justice and socially inclusive energy transition in Norway. More specifically, I aim to describe how the South Sami build coalitions with environmental groups and other indigenous communities to resist energy infrastructure and developmental projects such as the construction of the Roan wind farm in the Fosen Peninsula in their territory, says Shayan.

Arne Naess Programme

We draw on the legacy of Norway’s foremost eco-philosopher, Ghandi scholar and environmental activist. Read more about the Programme.





Research on culture, nature and ideology

Read more about our research group Culture, ethics and sustainability.

Published Feb. 19, 2020 10:30 AM