Julia Cagé is the new Arne Næss Chair

We are proud to welcome the new Arne Næss Professor, Julia Cagé, to SUM.

photo of julia cage

Julia Cagé is a leading European scholar in the fields of media economics, political participation and political attitudes. Photo: Philip Conrad

Julia Cagé is currently an Associate Professor of Economics at Sciences Po, Paris. She is the author of an internationally acclaimed book The Price of Democracy (Harvard UP, 2020) and a leading European scholar in the fields of political participation, media economics and political attitudes.

As the Arne Næss Chair at SUM, Cagé will share her experiences and knowledge with researchers and students at the University of Oslo at the Arne Næss Symposium on 23 September, where she will feature as the keynote speaker.

photo of nina witoszek
Nina Witoszek is director of the Arne Næss Programme at SUM.

Julia Cagé is one of the most original young scholars working on renewing democracy and on social and environmental justice today, says Nina Witoszek, director of the Arne Næss Programme at SUM, UiO.

The Arne Næss Symposium

Depending on the development of the Covid-19 pandemic, we hope to host the Arne Næss Symposium physically with Cagé present this fall. 

The event will be filmed.

Arne Næss Symposium 2021

Image may contain: Black, Head, Monochrome photography, Black-and-white, Human.The Arne Næss Programme

We draw on, and critically develop, the intellectual legacy after Norway’s greatest ecophilosopher, researcher and environmental activist.

Read more about SUMs Arne Næss Programme.

By Charlotte Kildal and Anna Eriksen Rio
Published Aug. 19, 2021 11:22 AM - Last modified Aug. 23, 2021 3:08 PM