SUM student wins award for best poster

We congratulate Linnea Møller Jess on receiving the award for best poster at the University of Oslo’s Winter Seminar in Human Geography!

The award-winning poster presents her ongoing research on night and long-distance train connections in Europe, which is part of her studies in the master’s programme at SUM.

Poster image
The prize-winning poster made by SUM student Linnea Møller Jess.

The future of European rail travel

The title of Linnea’s forthcoming master’s thesis is The return of train travel and the future of cross-European mobility. In the thesis, she will explore what it will take to get more people to travel by train and what the resurgence of Europe’s night and long-distance trains means for achieving a fair and green mobility shift.

– It is an exciting time to study the shape and future of European rail travel! It seems that there has been a historic change in demand for international rail travel over the past five years, except during the pandemic, says Linnea.

She is currently analysing her interviews with train travellers and stakeholders in the European railway industry.

– I don't think it would be a stretch to say that the rail industry is trying to keep up with the increase in demand, but that it is lagging behind due to market fragmentation, structural barriers, narrow national interests and a lack of political will, she says.

Poster exhibition and award

Linnea won the first prize for her poster at the Winter Seminar in Human Geography, organised at the University of Oslo in March. As part of this year's seminar, there was an exhibition of posters submitted by master’s students and Ph.D. candidates from all over Norway.

The posters at the seminar disseminated cutting-edge research in a broad range of subfields within Human Geography and covered different contexts in Norway and abroad.

– I'm a very visual person so it was a great joy to put my thinking into images. With the award money, I will finally be able to get my hands on the book Road to Nowhere: What Silicon Valley Gets Wrong about the Future of Transportation by Paris Marx, says Linnea.

Linnea Møller Jess
Linnea Møller Jess will write about the shape and future of European rail travel in her master's thesis.

Read more about Linnea's research topic in her recently published journal article Degrowth and the slow travel movement: Opportunity for engagement or consumer fad? (PDF) in a special issue of Tvergastein.

Study at SUM

Master's programme in Development, Environment and Cultural Change

Published Mar. 27, 2023 3:25 PM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2023 3:25 PM