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Cholera Research Laboratory and the Glocalization of Public Health Research in Bangladesh: A Transnational History (completed)

The research project explores the formation, evolution, and consequences of global health care policies in the context of the Cholera Research Laboratory (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh) in East Pakistan, later to become Bangladesh in 1971.

About the project

By examining the development of the cholera research in Bangladesh between 1960 and 2018 in a historical perspective, the project documents how the laboratory was an organization with both material, human and intellectual legacies on global and national levels. It is a transnational history of the formation of networks, infrastructure and knowledge through policy documents, reports from archives and oral history through interviews with participating medical researchers and policy workers. It seeks to analyse strategies of policies and actors (researchers and policy-makers) of international organizations in shaping the directives of global public health in a local context. Taking a perspective that abandons theoretical dichotomies of the colonial and colonized, or spaces defined as centre and periphery, the research uses glocalization as a theoretical starting point in analyzing the role of local and global actors in public health care policies during the period c. 1960-2018.

Published June 25, 2019 11:43 AM - Last modified Mar. 19, 2024 9:05 AM


  • Niladri Chatterjee University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants