Dialogue Project in Colombia (completed)

Too often, armed conflict results in attacks on civilian populations, hinders development and degrades the environment. In Colombia, poverty, landlessness, drug production and trafficking, human rights violations and violent displacement are among the serious challenges in the longest armed conflict in Latin America.  

About the project

The Conversatorio/Dialogue project, led by Dr. Schirmer with a Colombian team, utilizes a unique methodology of inclusive, democratic dialogue to encourage all parties in the
conflict-- civil society, local and national government authorities, parliamentarians and armed actors on both sides (ex-guerrillas and security forces)--to participate in the construction of a durable peace that will underwrite future development.Topics of such peacebuilding dialogue include land tenuring for returnees, improved security for the establishment of new areas for sustainable development,  protection of human rights and international humanitarian law, and lessons learned from other peace negotiations (e.g., political and institutional compromises, avenues to ceasefire agreements, the integration of male and female ex-combatants).

Duration: 2000-present


  • Norwegian Foreign Ministry


Published Oct. 17, 2011 2:29 PM - Last modified Feb. 16, 2017 10:28 AM


  • Jennifer Schirmer University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants