
Name Workplace
Abraham Akrong Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana
Baard A. Andreassen Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo
Dan Banik Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo
Bidemi Coker University of Jyvãskylã
Somen Chakraborty CARE India
Payel Rai Chowdhury The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences
Gordon Crawford School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds
Debrata K. Dey Srikrishna College, West Bengal, India
Kanakulya Dickson Dept. of Philosophy, Makerere University
Ibrahim Farah Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, University of Nairobi
Boel Flodgren School of Economics and Management, Lund University
Meghna Guhathakurta Research Initiatives Bangladesh
Gautam Gupta Jadavpur University
Richard Hustad Norwegian Centre for Human Rights, University of Oslo
Mohamed Ibrahim Centre for Research and Dialogue, Mogadishu
Neni Indriati University of Oslo
R.B. Jain University of Delhi
Montserrat Lopez Jerg Lund University
Urban Jonsson International Consultant on HRBA to Development; Former Regional Director, UNICEF, East and Southern Africa Region
Avani Kapur Centre for Development and Human Rights, New Delhi, India
Virginia Kamora Leeds University
Gerald Karyeija Centre for Social Research and Training & University of Bergen
Julia Kercher Bureau for Development Policy, UNDP, New York
Amrita Lamba Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University India
Nina Lestari Australian National University
Asbjørn Løvbræk Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
Grace T. Malera Malawi Human Rights Commission, Lilongwe
Harsh Mander Aman Biradari, India
Sugata Marjit Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata
Jan Mogaladi University of the Western Cape
Patience Mutopo Verda University
Philani Moyo Leeds University
Henrik Nielsen Danish Insitute for Human Rights
John Nigel Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Dulo Nyaoro Centre for Refugee Studies, Moi University
Elisabeth Onyango International Law Institute, Kampala
Bimal Phnuyal Action Aid, Nepal
Byaruhanga Rukooko Dept. of Philosophy, Makerere University
Arjun Sengupta Human Rights Council, Geneva and Centre for Development and Human Rights, New Delhi
Margaret Sekaggya Uganda Human Rights Commission
David Sigwthorsson Linköping University
Jai Singh Human Rights Law Network, India
Julie Stewart Southern and Eastern African Regional Centre for Women's Law, University of Zimbabwe
Suzanne Tete Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Robert Tumukwasibwe Parliament of Uganda
Priyanca Mathur Velath Centre for Development and Human Rights, New Delhi
Annika Wetlesen, Dept. of Human Geography, University of Oslo
Seodi V-R White Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Educational Trust, Malawi
Sushma Yadav Indian Institute of Public Administration
Maren Aase Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo


By Hilde H. Holsten
Published Aug. 19, 2011 2:29 PM - Last modified Sep. 14, 2011 11:58 AM