Apollon interview on poverty and inequality in India and China

It the latest edition of Apollon, Dan Banik (SUM, UiO) and Kalle Moene (ESOP, UiO) discuss the increasing inequalities between the elites and the poor in India and China.  

The interview also draws on Dan Banik's latest book, Poverty and Elusive Development, in which he argues that there is a general unwillingness to understand, and focus adequate attention on, the factors that explain the contiuned production of poverty and inequality.The full interview by Trine Nickelsen can be accessed here (Norwegian only).


Tags: Poverty and Development, ANLEP, hurep, Ethics Rights and Poverty By Maren Aase
Published Sep. 28, 2011 3:41 PM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2016 11:29 AM