Other Publications

Special Issue of the Journal of Asian Public Policy

A special issue of the Journal of Asian Public Policy has been guest edited by Dan Banik and Bård A. Andreassen from the Human Rights and Extreme Poverty (HUREP) project.

The contributions are selected edited papers from the second and third international HUREP conferences, in Kolkata and Hong Kong respectively.


Special Issue of the International Journal of Human Rights

A special issue of the International Journal of Human Rights has been guest edited by Dan Banik and Bård A. Andreassen from the Human Rights and Extreme Poverty (HUREP) project. The contributions are selected edited papers from the first international HUREP conference in Kampala.


The 'Rights and Development' Bulletin

The Bulletin is published by the Centre for Development and Human Rights (CDHR) in New Delhi with support from HUREP.

By Maren Aase
Published Sep. 28, 2011 2:12 PM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2011 2:23 PM