The Rise of “Non-Western” Powers in Global Governance

Open lecture with Oliver Stuenkel: The Rise of “Non-Western” Powers in Global Governance: Challengers or Saviors of Global Order?

Associate Professor Oliver Stuenkel. (Photo:

While democracy and human rights show signs of being on the defensive in the West, the rise of non-western powers in institutions of global governance have caused concern in the West for challenging Western values and norms.

But are concepts such as religious freedom, human rights and sovereignty a Western invention? And what will be the consequences for their place in the global order of a larger role for Asian, African, Latin American and Middle Eastern Societies in global governance?

In this lecture, Oliver Stuenkel, Associate Professor of International Relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) in São Paulo, Brazil argues that the struggle between the West and “the rest” is not a contest between deep values and philosophies of order but rather an organic evolution of world politics in which power, authority, status, and privilege are redistributed to make the existing order more fair and functional.

About the lecture

This lecture is open for all interested and requires no registration.



Published Feb. 27, 2017 2:55 PM - Last modified Apr. 18, 2023 3:01 PM