Towards Global Social Policy

As the International Labour Organization (ILO) has evolved since its beginning 100 years ago, it has moved closer to becoming a development agency.

ILO flag

Photo: Colourbox

About the seminar

In 2019 the International Labour Organization will celebrate its 100th anniversary. In his talk Daniel Maul (IAKH) will give a short introduction in the history of the ILO. A special emphasis will be given to the ILO’s evolution from an organisation catering mostly to the needs of industrial workers in the West into an agency of “global social policy”. 

The lecture is free and open to all but requires registration. Lunch will be served.

About the speaker

Associate Professor Daniel Maul

Daniel Maul is Associate Professor at the Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Oslo. His research interests are located in the area of 20th century international and global history.

The lecture is part of the SUM4029 course on Global Governance for Sustainable Development.

Published Apr. 25, 2018 10:49 AM - Last modified Apr. 18, 2023 3:01 PM