Master of Public Administration and Management (MPAM)

Prof. Dan Banik at Chancellor College

The MPAM programme is one the key outputs from the broader Strengthening Democratic and Economic Governance in Malawi project, financed by the Norwegian Government and implemented by Chancellor College and the University of Oslo. The study programme aims at developing specialised management skills necessary for enabling the public service to emerge as a key driver of change and as a vehicle for rapid socio-economic development of Malawi. The programme fits in both the Malawi Growth Development Strategy (MGDS) II and the public sector reform agenda currently being implemented by the Government of Malawi. MGDS II identifies the development of the country’s human capital as a core priority area and strategy in pursuit of national development goals. The public sector reform initiative being implemented by the Government of Malawi aims at, among other concerns, training of human resources, reshaping public service work ethos and improving operational systems.