MPA 503: Public Service Ethics and Governance (core)

Ethical Public Service is an important component of Public Sector Governance. This module seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the link between public sector governance and ethics, the infrastructure of public service ethics and their associated values and norms, common public service ethical dilemmas, and approaches towards ethics management in the public sector. The intention is to impart knowledge and provide a deeper awareness of the nature of public service ethical values so as to promote the impartiality, objectivity, accountability, integrity, efficiency and effectiveness of public officers when performing their service delivery duties.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this study students should be able to:

  • Explain the link between public sector governance and public service ethics.
  • Describe the principles of public governance and the rationale for public service ethics
  • Describe the sources of public sector values and norms.
  • Discuss and reflect critically appropriate ethical behaviour in public service delivery in Malawi.
  • Use case studies to debate common ethical dilemmas affecting public servants in Malawi and explore solutions.
  • Use the knowledge gained to appraise and suggest solutions regarding strategies and mechanisms for promoting ethical behaviour in the Malawian Public Service.

Indicative Content

1. Public Sector Governance and Public Service Ethics

  • Principles of Public Sector Governance
  • Rationale for Public Sector Ethics
  • Normative Theories of Ethics
  • Ethics, Morality and Legality

2. Architecture of Public Sector Ethics and their values

  • International  and regional legislation and norms
  • Weberianism
  • National legal instruments
  • Codes of conduct/Codes of ethics
  • Democratic standards and principles
  • Administrative Law
  • Citizen Charters

3. Factors influencing Unethical Behaviour  and Common Ethical Dilemmas Facing Public Servants

  • Administrative discretion
  • Corruption, clientelism and nepotism
  • Politics/Administration Dichotomy dilemmas
  • Dealing with pressure groups and civil society.
  • Confidentiality and privacy vs. whistle blowing.
  • Public accountability.                             
  • Policy dilemmas.
  • Conformity.

4. Approaches to Ethics Management in the Public Sector

  • Compliance versus integrity approaches
  • Principles for solving ethical dilemmas & challenges
  • Conflict of Interest – identification, management and prevention.
  • Strategies for promoting ethical behaviour in the public sector.      
  • Examining the Malawi case plus others from selected countries in the region
  • Strategies and mechanisms for promoting ethical behaviour: Salient features and gaps.
  • Implementation, compliance, and enforcement of Public Service Ethics.
  • Opportunities and Challenges.

 Fraud and Corruption in the Public sector

  • Defining  public sector fraud and corruption
  • Typology, causes, and effects of public sector corruption
  • Strategies to combat  fraud and corruption in the public sector
  • Opportunities and Challenges in the fight against corruption in Malawi.


  • Continuous assessment:          50 %
  • Examinations:                           50 %

Teaching and Learning Methods:

  • Lectures
  • Interactive tutorial sessions based on guided reading  and case studies
  • Guest lecturers and presentations from  practitioners
  • Seminars and  student  paper presentations

Prescribed Texts:

Chapman, Richard (2000). Ethics in Public Service for the New Millennium. Ashgate.

Cooper, Terry L, ‎Donald C. Menzel (eds.) (2013). Achieving Ethical Competence in Public Service Leadership. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

Cooper Terry (2012). The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role (6th Edition). San Fransisco: Jossey Bass.

Frederickson, H. George and Richard K. Ghere (eds.) 2013). Ethics in Public Management, Second Edition. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, Inc.

Lawton, Allan, Julie Rayner and Karin Lasthuizen (2013).  Ethics and Management in the Public Sector. New York: Routledge.

Key Government Documents

African Union (2011), African Charter of Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration.

Malawi Government (2012), Malawi Public Service Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Malawi Government (2012), Malawi Public Service Charter: Raising the Bar of Excellence.

Corrupt Practice Act 1989.

Malawi Public Service Act 1994

Malawi Public Service Regulations 1991.

Recommended Readings:

International Journal of Public Sector Management.

International Journal of Public Administration.

Kathryn Denhardt (1998). The Ethics of Public Service: Resolving Moral Dilemmas in Public Organisations. Connecticut: Greenwood Press.

Ken Kernaghan and John W. Langford (1990). The Responsible Public Servant. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy.

United Nations (2001). Public Service in Africa, Vol. 2. New York.

Published Apr. 17, 2015 4:50 PM - Last modified Oct. 28, 2020 11:22 AM