MPA 504: Public Sector Human Resources Management (core)

The module is designed to introduce students to human resources management best practices and enable them acquire functional theoretical HR knowledge and practical skills critical for examining entrenched HR processes, strategies and practices obtained in own work settings with particular focus on the public sector in Malawi. Drawing on broader HR perspectives and HRM best practice approaches, the course enables students to challenge established HR paradigm with the view to initiate meaningful changes towards enhancing the capacity of the human capital to provide development oriented public service delivery.

Intended learning outcomes

By the end of this course students should be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of competing HR perspectives and best practices
  • Critically examine existing HR strategies and practices in the public service with the view to influence positive change in the approach to managing the human capital
  • Facilitate the efficient acquisition, development and utilization of the human capital to optimize  public service delivery
  1. An Over view of Human Resources Management (HRM)
  • Meaning, functions and scope of HRM
  • The difference between HRM and Personnel management
  • The role of HRM experts  and Line Managers in work organizations
  • Theoretical perspectives & major debates in HRM           
  • The evolution of the public service in Malawi (British influence on structure, HR processes and practices)
  • A review of HRM in the public service in Malawi (HRM environment, Experiences,  Challenges and prospects)
  1. Human Resources Planning (HRP)
  • Scenario planning for HR
  • Labour demand forecasting (basis and methods in the public service)
  • Labour supply forecasting 
  • Management of labour deficit or surplus & HR action planning
  • HRP processes and practices in the public service
  • The significance of national development strategies and documents in HRP in the public service
  1. Human Resources Development
  • Training, learning and development
  • The training cycle
  • Personal development and planning
  • Approaches to management development
  • The learning organization (concept and approaches)
  • Review of training and development in the civil service ( actors, goals, strategies and constraints)
  • Challenges in effective utilization of trained staff in the public service
  1. Performance Management
  • An overview of performance management systems
  • Generic performance management cycle
  • Result framework approach (Input, Output, Outcomes and Impact model)
  • Review of performance management approaches and practices in the Malawi civil service
  • Performance management system in Botswana- Best practice case study
  1. Motivating the Human Capital and Reward Management
  • Overview of motivation theories
  • Reward management systems
  • Approaches to effective reward management
  • Reward management and performance management
  • Analysis of reward management principles and strategies in the civil service in Malawi
  1. Career Management and Development
  • Reviewing career and career path
  • Career development process
  • Assessing the relevance of career stage model
  • Examining career management practices in the civil service in Malawi
  1. Industrial Relations in the public sector
  • Overview of perspectives in Industrial Relations (IR)
  • Key actors in industrial relations in the public sector
  • Worker participation, involvement and voice
  • The nature, role and process of collective bargaining
  • Discipline & Grievance handling management
  • Institutional and legal framework for labour relations in the public sector in Malawi - International Labour Organisation; ILO Core conventions, Employers, trade unions, Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations Court; Labour Relations Act, Employment Act etc


  • Continuous Assessment: 50%
  • Examinations:                  50%

Teaching and Learning Methods:

Teaching approaches will include lectures, tutorials, individual and group assignments, reading assignments, presentations by field experts on specific topical issues of practical relevance to the course.

Recommended Texts

Anthony, P et al, (1993) Human Resources Management, A strategic Approach, Harcourt Brace  College Publication, New York

Armstrong, M (2009 ) A Handbook of  Human Resource Management, Kogan Page. London

Bach, S (2006) Personnel Management in Transition

Bernarddin, HJ (2003) Human Resources Management : An Experiential Approach, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston

Bratton, S and Gold , J (2003) Human Resources Management,: Theory & Practice, Palgrave Macmillan, New York

Dessler, G. ( 1994   ): Human Resource Management , 6th Edition prentice Hall,

Dzimbiri L. (2008).  Industrial Relations in a Developing Society: The Case of Colonial, Independent One-party and Multiparty Malawi Gottingen: Cuvillier Verlag.

French, W ( 1990 ): Human Resources Management, 2nd Edition Houghton Mifflin,

Pace, Smith and Mills: (1991) Human Resource Development  Prentice Hall,

Ivancevich, JM (2001) Human Resources Management, McGraw_hill, Irwin, Boston

Legge, K (1995) Human Resources Management: Rhetoric & Realities, Palgrave, New York

Maund, L (2001) An Introduction to HRM : Theory & Practice

Noe, RA (2006) Human Resources Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston

Journal Articles

Dzimbiri, L. (2009) Challenges in Managing Change. The Case of Performance Management System at the University of Botswana. Review of Higher Education in Africa. 1.1. 1-20.

Dzimbiri, L (2008) Experiences in New Public Management- the Case of Performance Management System in Botswana. Journal of Africa Development. 3. 32;  42-58.

Dzimbiri, L. (2008) ‘Managing Human Resources in a Changing Environment: Interrogating Manager-Worker Relationships in Malawi in the 1990s’. Malawi Journal of Social Science. 20,3. 28-47.

Published Apr. 17, 2015 4:50 PM - Last modified Oct. 28, 2020 11:22 AM