What is for dinner today? Food injustice and Food Security in Jambalo-Cauca

This PhD project aims to contribute to a multi-faceted debate on the relationship between food security and conflict through an in-depth study of the experience of illicit crop growers with food and food systems in the indigenous territory of Jambalo-Colombia. It will use a theoretical framework that combines environmental and food justice approaches. 

Painting of the rest (bones) of an eaten fish on a plate

Bodegón con pez. Alejandro Obregón Rosés, 1948. Oil on cardboard. Red cultural del Banco de la Republica.

About the project

The current study is part of a broader project: SEGURA – Food for Security: Evidence from Cauca, Colombia, which aims to improve our knowledge about the correlations, dynamics and mechanisms of the nexus between food security and conflict, using Colombia and the Cauca region as a case study. The SEGURA project is structured in five work-packages (WP). The first WP focuses on the political factors, social dimensions and economic structures that influence the links between food and security in Cauca. The second WP revolves around the entitlements and informal mechanisms used by Cauca households to face the pervasive effects of conflict on food insecurity. The third WP explores the impacts of conflict on the food cultures of households in Cauca. The fourth WP synthesizes the project’s findings and explores their relevance to the rest of the country. The last WP sets out policy recommendations to enhance the monitoring and assessment of food security in fragile states.

This Ph.D. project responds to the third WP. It understands food culture in a broader sense to include practices and embodied experiences related to food, as well as the norms and institutions that shape food production, distribution, and consumption. The project zooms in on the food cultures of illicit crop growers in the ancestral indigenous territory of Jambaló-Cauca.  To do so, it grounds on a tailor-made framework that bridges three analytical lenses: environmental justice, food justice and food practice. The main supervisor is Jemima Garcia-Godos.


Primary outcomes are the publication of four academic articles. The project is also committed to the formulation of policy recommendations on better practices in monitoring and assessing food security in Colombia.

Financing and Cooperation

The Research Council of Norway funds the SEGURA project and this PhD project for the period 2021-2023.

The project is coordinated by the Consumption Research Norway (SIFO) at Oslo Metropolitan University (Dr Arne Dulsrud) and has as research partners SUM (Professor Mariel Aguilar-Støen) and the Universidad del Valle, Colombia.

Published Apr. 28, 2021 10:36 PM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2022 11:38 AM