Antoine de Bengy Puyvallee, Sonja K. Kittelsen, Katerini T. Storeng: Crisis! How emergency preparedness logic changes global health policy

In Tidsskriftet, 2018.


Antoine de Bengy Puyvallée, Sonja K. Kittelsen and Katerini T. Storeng


The paper is published in Norwegian and English:

Norwegian: Krise! Hvordan beredskapslogikk endrer global helsepolitikk

English: Crisis! How emergency preparedness logic changes global health policy


The fear of worldwide pandemics is attracting considerable attention, and since the Ebola outbreak in West Africa four years ago, new public-private partnerships for ‘global health security’ have been established. But security for whom? What are the consequences for health and development in poor countries?

Published Oct. 15, 2018 2:40 PM - Last modified Sep. 27, 2022 1:04 PM