Kallianosa, Dunlap and Dalakoglouca: Introducing infrastructural harm

Published in Globalizations, Taylor & Francis Online 2022

Image may contain: Atmosphere, Blue, Azure, Natural environment, Organism.


Yannis Kallianosa, Alexander Dunlap and Dimitris Dalakoglou


This introduction provides an initial approach to the conceptual framework of infrastructural harm. It draws upon existing scholarship to discuss infrastructures as relational arrangements co-formative of harm. By approaching infrastructures as sites of ongoing socio-political and environmental antagonism, we pay attention to the ways in which infrastructural harm is generated, accretes, and transmutes across different scales and contexts. We consider harm as a process that exceeds the (in)direct consequences of infrastructure operation to extend to other arrangements. Building upon the diverse case studies discussed in this special issue, we investigate how the political and necropolitical properties of infrastructures are entangled with different technologies, judicial forms, policies, regulations and everyday processes. By foregrounding these diverse manifestations of infrastructural harm, together with its material and immaterial expressions, we expand on the existing literature in order to further explore critical codifications of contemporary socio-technical arrangements.

Read the full book Open Access on the publisher's website.

Alexander Antony Dunlap was Postdoctoral Fellow at Centre for Development and the Environment, 2019-2023.

Published Jan. 25, 2023 8:56 AM - Last modified May 8, 2023 2:26 PM