Banik, Venkatachalam and Modi: Catalysing Progress Through Capacity Building Initiatives

Published in Observer Research Foundation, 2023

Observer research foundation front page


Capacity building is a central feature of India’s outreach to Africa. Over  the last seven decades, the Indian government has provided numerous  scholarships to African students through the Indian Council for Cultural  Relations and the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation scheme. India  has also established several technical institutes throughout the continent.  However, assessments of India’s capacity-building initiatives remain limited.  This paper assesses the impact of the fl agship Pan African e-Network Project  through qualitative fi eldwork in Ghana and Malawi. It aims to understand  how Indian expertise and technology were utilised by end-users in the two  countries, outlining what worked and what did not. These learnings and the  logistical and practical challenges outlined in this paper could be helpful in  the implementation of future projects that involve knowledge transfers from  India to Africa.

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  • Dan Banik, Centre for Development and the Environment, UiO
  • Meera Venkatachalam, University of Mumbai
  • Renu Modi, University of Mumbai


Published Nov. 22, 2023 11:20 AM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2023 11:20 AM