UN at 75: Slow death or new direction?

On 26 October, UNU-WIDER hosted their 24th Annual Lecture delivered by Mark Malloch-Brown. Recording now available!

Watch the UNU-WIDER 2020 Annual Lecture here:

As the United Nations celebrates 75 years amid multiple global crises, in this free online event Mark Malloch-Brown asks, can the UN reinvent itself, or will it sink into irrelevance?

He will be joined by discussant Natalie Samarasinghe, Chief of Strategy, UN75 to explore what the future of the UN could look like.

Find more details and register here (registration is now closed). 

Abstract: The lecture will provide insights to the future and options for the United Nations, which has its 75th anniversary this year, during this time of multiple overlapping and interconnected global crises. The UN is at a crossroads. Nationalistic governments across the world reject multilateralism as means of addressing the problems that matter to their constituencies. Instead they adopt aggressively transactional and competitive foreign policy agendas, torching the values upon which the UN was built, and which member states have pledged to uphold since 1945. Its voice and impact are muted. Many would question whether it has an effective future.

Published Oct. 16, 2020 1:38 PM - Last modified Oct. 28, 2020 5:54 PM