Read and reflect: The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs

Suggested readings and resources related to the lectures in part 1. Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Read and reflect

An overview of the 2030 Agenda (Dan Banik) 



  • How important are such ambitious agendas for international development?
  • Development is a contested notion. Are such contestations addressed in the 2030 Agenda?

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Introducing the SDGs (Dan Banik)



  • What are the unique aspects of the SDGs? Are they too many?
  • Are there some issues that have been left out of this ambitious global agenda? if so, what?

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Core principles (Dan Banik)



  • Which of these principles do you consider to be the most important? Why?

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Measuring progress (Dan Banik)



  • Do some aspects get lost in translation during the measurement process? If so, what?
  • Is the availability of good quality data in your country or region a major problem?

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Partnership for the SDGs (Dan Banik)



  • What would you characterize as the most productive forms of partnerships that are required for achieving sustainable development? What could be potential barriers?

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Response for and against (Dan Banik)



  • Do you agree with the arguments in support and against the SDGs?
  • Which argument did you find to be the most persuasive?

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

How do the SDGs differ from the MDGs (Desmond McNeill) 



  • What are the main areas of commonality between the MDGs and the SDGs?  

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Published Mar. 30, 2020 10:28 PM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2020 3:59 PM