Read and reflect: Global agenda setting

Suggested readings and resources related to the lectures in part 2. Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Read and reflect

Evolution of the concept of sustainable development (Dan Banik)



  • How and to what extent do you consider the concept of sustainable development relevant today? 

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.


"Our Common Future" and its relevance today (Dan Banik) 



  • The report discusses the population issue. Identify the main arguments for and against population control.

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.


The SDGs and global agenda-setting (Nikolai Hegertun)



  • Do the SDGs represent a convergence of development agendas or do they represent an ‘à la carte menu’ of goals and priorities from which countries can pick and choose?
  • If we were to look at individual countries: what has actually changed with the SDGs? Is the 2030 Agenda a ‘belief’ – a good idea – or has it evolved and materialized itself as a force setting the agenda and shaping policies? Is the 2030 Agenda really changing policies, practices and institutions, or is it merely a new way of framing development cooperation? 
  • Are the SDGs a set of concrete policy goals, or is it an inspirational process meant to include as many countries as possible in the new global discourse on development? 
  • The awareness of the SDGs is still low outside circles of development cooperation, and more importantly: the adoption of the 2030 Agenda coincided with Brexit and the election of Donald Trump – and an ensuing wave of protectionism and hostility towards international integration and multilateral agendas. How can advocates of the SDGs best handle this external environment and promote the 2030 Agenda?

Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #UiOSDG if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Published Mar. 30, 2020 10:28 PM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2020 4:00 PM