International development: Read and reflect

Suggested readings and resources related to the lectures in part 1. Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Read and reflect

Understanding "what works" (Dan Banik)

Related readings:

For learners who are interested in delving deeper into the discussions of development and whether interventions work, Prof. Banik recommends the following resources:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • Please respond to Prof. Banik’s talk on defining “success” and how we can better understand the impact of “promising practices” in development. Do you agree with these indicators of success?
  • What does “success” in international development mean to you?

Dimensions of development (Francis Fukuyama)

Related readings:

You can learn more about the dimensions of development in the following resources:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • Do you agree with the framework laid out in Prof. Fukuyama's lecture,  and how the components of development relate to each other (positively or negatively)?
  • Is there a dimension you would choose to focus development (or aid) on, and why? 

State building (Stephen Krasner)

Related readings:

For those interested in learning more about state building and development theories, Prof. Krasner recommends the following readings:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • Professor Krasner makes the case that foreign aid for state building, with a focus on rule of law and democracy promotion programs, has limited impact. It is only useful under certain circumstances. Do you agree with Prof. Krasner’s recommendations?

  • Think about a recent region of the world that has encountered difficulties with state building and governance (e.g. Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.) or another place you have experience with. How would you handle aid programs related to governance in these contexts?

Gender equality (Alice Evans)

Related readings:

For learners who are interested in engaging further with discussions on gender equality, Dr. Evans recommends the following resources:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • When does social change accelerate? Dr. Evans highlights the role of civil wars, employment, cities, and the media in accelerating change. Do you agree?
  • Can you highlight additional cases and stories that could be termed promising or even successful in this field?

The role of ideas in development (Desmond McNeill)

Related readings:

If you are interested in exploring this issue further, Prof. McNeill recommends the following three readings:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • Prof. McNeill exhorts us to use analytical rigor and clear definitions when discussing ideas about development. Have you encountered “vague” or “fuzzy” ideas in your own work or area of expertise? Do you agree or disagree with Prof. McNeill’s prescription for analytical rigor?

  • Are there any situations where “fuzzy” ideas can actually be useful?

How do the SDGs differ from the MDGs? (Desmond McNeill)

Related readings:

You can learn more about the SDGs and how they differ from the MDGs in the following resources:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • What is the added value of having 17 SDGs rather than 8 MDGs?


Published Mar. 16, 2020 11:29 AM - Last modified Mar. 26, 2020 10:11 AM