Global health: Read and reflect

Suggested readings and resources related to the lectures in part 4. Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

Read and reflect

Promising practices in the health domain (Dan Banik)

Related readings:

If you are interested in learning more about success in the health domain, Prof. Banik recommends the following sources:

You can also visit the "Our World in Data" website for visualizations and data on life expectancy, child mortality, healthcare provision and health inequality.


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • Health has wide-reaching consequences across a variety of domains. Reflect on Prof. Banik’s talk and consider your own area of expertise — the domain of development with which you are most familiar.

    • How do public health issues affect your domain of development?

    • Conversely, would interventions in your domain have an impact on public health? If so, how?

Global health successes (Gro Harlem Brundtland)

Related readings:

To learn more about some of the successes mentioned by Dr. Brundtland, please find additional resources below:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • Dr. Brundtland discussed several ways in which international cooperation has been crucial in tackling public health issues. Please share your thoughts. Is there anything she spoke about that struck you most? How do you think your country contributes to an atmosphere of international cooperation for the common good? Do you feel more or less hopeful after hearing Dr. Brundtland’s talk?

What works in immunization (Sidsel Roalkvam)

Related readings:

You can learn more about success in immunization in the resources below:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • Reflect on the lessons that success in immunization offers for other areas of global health. 

Global governance for health (Ole Petter Ottersen)

Related readings:

Prof. Ottersen's lecture is based on a report jointly produced by The Lancet and the University of Oslo. Please find the report and related commentaries below:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • Reflect on the role of international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) in addressing global health challenges. Some argue that the WHO is not powerful enough to get countries to follow its advice. Do you agree?

What works in the fight against Ebola and other dangerous diseases (Antoine de Bengy Puyvallée)

For more information related to this lecture, we recommend the following resources:

Related readings:


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • What are the lessons from the Ebola experience that we can apply to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic? 
  • How can we be better prepared for the next global pandemic?

Women's health and human rights (Jashodhara Dasgupta)

Related readings:

If you are interested in learning more about the initiatives mentioned in this lecture, please consult the resources below:

Global mental health in sustainable development (Ragnhild Dybdahl) 

For readings related to this lecture, Prof. Dybdahl recommends the following resources: 

You can also check out more videos on mental health from the WHO here, and the World Bank here. For a comprehensive summary of mental health programs and research projects around the world, please see the Mental Health Innovation Network's (MHIN) resource page here 


Continue the conversation on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter. Please use the hashtag #WhatWorksUiO if you wish to respond to or reflect on any of the issues raised in the lectures.

  • In what ways is health, including mental health and wellbeing, linked to other SDGs, for example poverty eradication, nutrition, education, peace, environment, work, and partnerships?
  • Using the definition of mental health from the presentation, can you think of ways to promote mental health and wellbeing in the community where you live?

  • What is done for children in your country or community to prevent mental health problems?

Published Mar. 18, 2020 10:35 PM - Last modified May 12, 2020 2:30 PM