Meet the research groups #4

This autumn, you will learn more about the research groups and researchers at SUM through a series of seminars followed by informal mingling. In this final session, you'll get to know one research group and one research centre: Sustainable Consumption and Energy Equity, led by Arve Hansen, and INCLUDE - research centre for socially inclusive energy transitions, led by Tanja Winther. Perhaps more importantly - you'll learn how you as a student may get involved! 

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Sustainable consumption and energy equity

Group leader: Arve Hansen

We explore the social and political challenges associated with sustainable patterns of consumption and equitable solutions for energy provision and consumption.

The objectives of the research group are:

  • Engage in groundbreaking research on sustainable consumption and energy equity
  • Develop new perspectives on the gendered implications of energy policy, access and use
  • Conduct research on the new geographies of consumption, including a focus on emerging middle-classes and theoretical advancements in connecting global production networks with changing patterns and practices of consumption in North and South
  • Study the relationship between globalisation, consumption and environmental degradation
  • Build on perspectives from the social sciences and humanities to develop new approaches to technology, practices and demand for energy
  • Contribute towards innovative policymaking on sustainable consumption and equitable energy
  • Study the relationship between energy- and climate policies, social conflict and minorities

We conduct research in both the Global North and South, the latter including a particular focus on emerging economies.

INCLUDE - Research centre for socially inclusive energy transitions

Head: Tanja Winther 

Image may contain: Font, Logo, Electric blue, Brand, Graphics.

Include is a research centre that will produce knowledge about how to realise a socially just low-carbon society through socially inclusive processes and in close collaboration between researchers and partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors. 

Include is hosted by the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM) at the University of Oslo (UiO). Include has seven research partners, of which six are based in Norway while Durham University is based in the UK. Include has 23 user partners in Norway. In addition to SUM, the participants from the UiO include the Department of Sociology and Human Geography, the Department of Education, and the Department of Political Science. 

Include is funded by the Research Council of Norway (2020-2027) through the social science-based research programme Centres for Environmentally Friendly Energy (FME Samfunn)

Include's research is organised in five areas (work packages) and we also put emphasis on exploring their interconnectedness. 

WP1: Energy Systems in Transition

How can we achieve transitions in the power system and other energy systems that are socially just and inclusive? 

Leader WP1: Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI)

WP2: Energy Flows and Spaces

Here we study cities and surrounding areas in Norway (Tromsø and Oslo). We examine and develop maps to visualise the distribution of energy consumption (direct and embodied energy) on different social groups.

Leader WP2: Per Gunnar Røe, Department of Sociology and Human   Geography, UiO 

WP3: Municipalities as Change Agents

How may municipalities achieve a transition to low-carbon society? Key words: organisation, resource use, citizen participation and a goal to develop attractive and sustainable communities. 

Leader WP3: Hege Westskog, CICERO/SUM, UiO

WP4: Interventions

We will develop, test and initiate activities that help reduce emissions and achieve socially and environmentally sustainable energy transition. Keywords: Participation and co-creation.

Leader WP4: Ole Smørdal, Department of Education, UiO

WP5: Learning Across Borders

How can we learn from experiences and research conducted in Durham, UK, with respect to energy justice and the role of municipalities in energy transition? 

Leader WP5: Simone Abram, Durham University, UK 

To learn more about current research projects in Include, please visit this link. 

Published Oct. 14, 2021 2:55 PM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2021 3:52 PM